Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Best products to clear up acne scars

« ...Acne and pregnancy got linked with each other. Acne during pregnancy is quite common, whether pregnant woman previously had such problem or not. Acne during pregnancy is very common noticed particularly in first trimester during which, the levels of female hormones are increased. Progesterone is the hormone, which is more androgenic (male hormone-like) than estrogen and can give rise to the secretions of the skin glands to increase that in turn, ends up in occurring acne. After the first trimester, progesterone is formed by the placenta rather than the ovaries, so acne generally gets cleared up....
...It is important to understand that there are many different type of acne and each type leaves it own distinctive scar. However, with recent breakthroughs in the treatment of acne scars, they can be reduced or eliminated completely....»
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«...Irritation has various effects on Acne condition. It could cause scarring problem, it can cause more Acne to crop up and certainly it slows the healing process making nonsense of all your effort at clearing Acne....»
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tags: acne cream on lips damage, brunhouse acne treatment gel reviews, top 8 cures for acne

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