Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne stop age

There really are only three important aspects of skin care to focus on to achieve clear beautiful skin -- and they are not magic secrets, just three sensible steps.
Avoid makeup that contains any fragrance because this could cause your skin to have an allergic reaction or just irritate it in general. Instead, choose makeup that is fragrance-free or hypoallergenic. If you are already using makeup that contains a fragrance, and your skin has not had a reaction, you are probably ok to continue using it.
Control these factors and you can diminish the acne attacks... say some, while other recommend something else. Confused? That's what being a teenager is all about! Hormonal imbalances, unless serious, should be left to nature to work out as they are an expected part of growth. In this case, nature knows best, but unfortunately, she has a habit of popping up these nasty little zitty things while she sorts you out.
tags: treatments for cystic acne, coq10 can cure acne, can cutting heal acne

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